Monday, June 25, 2012

Shamus might be my  new favorite wrestler. He just likes to kick some Arss.
does anyone remember when Psycho Sid was Sid Vicious in the tag team called "the Skyscrapers" with dangerous Dan Spivey
would someone please take a shit on Heath Slayter, and his one man band.
tonight for the first time in two years the main event is going to be John Cena vs Chris Jericho. Vickie Guerrero is as annoying as a pair of socks with warn out elastic, that's going to be a great match.
Chris Jericho back on RAW after a successful European tour with his band Fozzy, is there anything he can't do.
if you were to watch every episode of RAW back to back 24 hours a day. One I would be jealous, and Two it would take 75 days.
I just spotted a Funkasaurus on monday night RAW. the only living brathing funkasaurus. somebody call my mama.
starting the show off with AJ Vickie Guerrero then Daniel Bryan Kane and cm punk with vickie guerrero as the interim general manager excuse me both what a shitty start if it doesnt get better in a hurry i might as will punch myself in the nuts until i pass out. 

Monday, June 18, 2012

A 3 on 1 handycap match next The Big Show, David Otunga, and John Laurinaitis Vs John Cena, in Big Jonny's last night on RAW it doesn't matter who wins the match because we are the winners tonight "People Power" what a joke YOUR FIRED John now pack your shit and get the hell off my show.
Just when I thought RAW couldn't get any worse Heath Slayter is going to sing I haven't heard anything that bad in a long time, then the bagpipes start and out comes the Hot Rod, Rowdy Roddy Piper.
Cyndi Lauper, makes her return to the WWE next on RAW, who cares, not this guy, her one hit still gets on my nerves. If i never hear that girls just want to have fun again, that would be just fine with me.
alberto del rio shouldn't have his own ring announcer his is a jack ass, I hope Santino hits him with the cobra.
Jack Swager vs Dalph Zigler with the winner "gets" to keep Vicky Gurrero as a manager, I for one would rather not win that match.
I think Daniel Bryan got more annoying then he was last week I didn't know that was even possible, Kane is still a pile of used chewing gum, tag team matches are stupid, not your best effort Mankind, I should give you a mandeville claw.
Mick Foley is the new interim general manager of Raw the only thing better then that is that John Lorinitus was fired last night.

Monday, June 11, 2012

big van vader on RAW tonight what a blast from the past, they are going to have a past RAW superstar every week until the 1000 episode July 23rd. Who will it be next week tune into raw next week or view my blog.
your fired John Lorinitus the next RAW general manager and vice president of talent relations is Lowell Ternes, that might be my dream job.
i haven't liked the big show recently but I did like seeing R-truth get knocked out.
Kofi Kingston vs. The Big Show in a steal cage tonight, the big show is boring but he should still make quick work of kofi. maby this way we won't have to listen to either of them tonight.
ryback is one large S.O.B.
I would rather listen to shriek owls all night long than listen to Vicki Garrero scream at me.  If I was Dolf Ziegler, I would body slam her ass.
Why the hell is Kim Kardashians mom on WWE?  Vickie Garrero can suck a fart out of my ass.
is john lorunitus going to get fired tonight, I hope so he is a slimey worm, i will look forward to not seeing him ever again. also unrelated but Beth Phoenix might actually be  a bigger man then me.
July 23rd will be the 1000 episode of monday night RAW that is the longest running weekly television show ever in the history of tv. I hope John Cena kicks someones ass tonight.
Shamus just beat lord tensi i didn't like him as prince albert he was a fat slob then and he is a fat slob now, i hate his face. Lets go Shamus clap clap clapclapclap, Lets go Shamus clap clap clapclapclap, Lets go Shamus clap, clap clapclapclap, I was trying to start a slow chant from my living room ( it didn't work)

Monday, June 4, 2012

is it just me or does it look like lord tensai might have pooped in his pants. I was looking forward to seeing Micheal Cole get his ass into next week.
Vince McMahon is going to be on RAW next week to evaluate John Lorinitus's job proformance. I think he is doing a worse job then Bernie Madoff.
if I was a professional wrestler my signature move would be the junk punch.
daniel Bryan is a loser yes, yes, yes, Kane is a big red pile of elephant jizz. CM Punk is a waste of oxygen can't wait for that match WWE you are sliping.